I've jumped ahead of myself here a bit. I should try and put all this in some sort of order. On Friday I went down Subi to watch the super 14 game and it was then onto the Irish Club for a decent (yes decent!!) pint of Guinness. Mind you, we got to the club sober as they shut the bar 20 mins before the end of the game - what the hell is all that about???? Heathens!! Saturday involved a lot of chilling by the pool as it was really hot (topped 45) and then I headed down to Donna's pub The Queens in Mt Lawley. After a few refreshing ciders we bought a carton and headed back to Donna's for some darts before heading off to the Inglewood to watch the Liverpool derby (very disappointing). Got back to Donna's around midnight and it is at this point I should have called it a night and headed to bed as I had the Big Day Out the next day. Unfortunately there was a 21st next door so I took a load of cider and headed over and promptly drank till 3 talking to people who had no idea I was. Great stuff!!
All that cider (and Guinness during the football) and only a KFC to eat the day before meant that I was not feeling too great in the morning. In fact, I had a monster hangover which will please a few people no doubt. Took me an hour or so of chucking at the Leederville where I was meeting Gav and Ricky before heading down to BDO. Once there though I was alright. In fact the day was amazing. Saw a fair few bands including some local talent. Pics as follows:

Little Birdy. Lead singer lives opposite Donna!
Eskimo Joe. Brilliant band. Go and download them! Latest is called Black fingernails, red wine.
Kasabian. I'm sure you all know these. They were fucking amazing. 2nd best band of the day easily.
Killers. Need I say more?? Actually I do. They'd be great in a hall or a closed stadium, but on the open field they were not so hot. At least not for us.
Jet. We watched these from the beer tent. Thirsty work watching bands all day! They were pretty good but the crowd ruined it and the gig was paused half way through whilst security pushed everyone back. Pesky kids!
Finally. We get to the act of the day. This was the 2nd best set I'd ever seen so it suffices to say it blew me away. (Only Kelly and co. have outdone this on a cold December day in the Millennium Stadium in 2003.) I give you.... MUSE!!!
Ok, so the pic is really bad and it was also at this point that my batteries gave out so had to switch to my phone. Gutted! This happened last time I went to BDO!!

As it was a big weekend, this rant is also going to be big. Still need to talk about the 6 nations. After BDO me and Gav headed to Northbridge (via Donna's as I needed trainers - not allowed flip-flops in a pub after 7 usually) to Rosie O'Grady's to watch the rugby. The Celtic game was on as we got in so there were a few oohs and aahs before the real event. All I can say is that it was a bit shambolic at times. Ireland were lucky to have 13 players at one point. How many times are we going to see hands in the ruck and players not penalised for it? I should have guessed they were going to get away with it as soon as the Kiwi ref walked on . They're the masters at it after all! In fact the ref was atrocious. There was one incident where Peel kicked the ball in to touch thinking he'd get the deliberate knock-on by the Irish forward on 3m from the line and was rightly flabergasted when the ref awarded Ireland the line-out instead of a scrum 5. What cheered my up (apart from the good Guinness... I tell you, Bryant and Riley you need to come to Perth) was the crushing defeat of Spurs later that evening/morning. Great stuff!
Also, a special mention to Pussy Bunny. The man has learned the meaning of the c word... commitment that is. All those who know him, go and pester him to find out what it means. All I'll say is that he's going to be needing a bigger flat...
Till next time!!

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