Monday, 16 April 2007

Busy weekends

So, back to my busy weekends. The week after Donna's bash, Gav and Rich were working up in Karratha (top of WA) and Les was going to be at work for most of it as well meaning that I had the house to myself for the first time since arriving here. I was planning on just chilling out for the weekend despite agreeing to go to a gig with Todd and his missus on the Friday night. The Force were also playing the Sharks (who caused a big upset at the weekend defeating the top of the table Kiwi side the Blues) but my usual partners in crime for watching the rugby were either in the UK, Karratha or working. So I was considering sacking the whole night off and saving bucks and chilling out. Then my boss offers me box tickets to the game an hour before I'm heading off. Fantastic! Free entry, food and beer for the next 5 hours. Sweet! Headed off to the gig afterwards too and had a brilliant night. The Bamboos were tops - a great funk band with a great bassist and drummer. Even managed to make it into the local music mag Xpress as well. Plus I won $150 on the game as I'd bet the Force would score first with a pen and then win by 12pts or less (last one looked pretty dodgy with 5 mins to go and Gitteau has a pen to take the Force 13pts clear but he hits the post making my bet safe). All in all a top (and free) night. Easter weekend was a big one too. Picked up 2 crates of Corona on Thursday after work and me and Gav went through the lot in 1 night and a couple of hours on Friday afternnon. Excellent! Also went paintballing again on the good friday to add to the bruises from 2 weeks previously. Had a huge session on Easter sunday - got tot he pub at half 11 to watch the rest of the rugby 7s that was being played at Adelaide (Wales finished 3rd and England got knocked out by Kenya - the rugby powerhouse of a nation that they are!) and got kicked out at 10 I think. Gav got stopped at the bar about 8 so had to drink water but he was still shit faced. Then it was a big family dinner on Monday (roast beef, pork and lamb that was cooking all morning and smelled so good and strong that you could smell it on the drive 25m away). After which I decided to stop drinking for a while to try and give my body a rest. Lasted until last night when I couldn't resist the black stuff anymore and had to have a couple. Although that was the 3rd time I was in a pub over the weekend so it was pretty good going. Going to be good next weekend... Trying to last until Gav's birthday on the 3rd May so only got a couple more weeks to go (Bryant, how did you go so long???). Off now to try and dig up some photos to wack on the blog I've taken over the last few weeks. Taff

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